Nittany’s first photo shoot was a great success! I thought she wasn’t going to cooperate, but I was wrong. When I was setting up my camera all I could think is how she was going to play around. Isn’t that what pets want to most of the time? I really wanted some decent pics of her to display around our home. She photographs well if I should say so myself. Can you tell I’m in love? She is a very playful & loving pup.
I didn’t hire a professional photographer or anything like that – I took the pictures myself. I figured it was a great time to do it because she was turning 1 soon. She looks a lot more mature in the photos than she looks in person. Here is a picture of her two days ago. If you follow me on Instagram here, you’ll see updates on Nittany on a regular basis.

Here is another one while we were visiting Nordstrom Rack a few weeks ago. She loves car rides, people, and shopping.

#lifewithaschnoodle #schnoodle #petlover #nittanylions #beauty #beautyblog
Do you have any pets? I would love to see pictures. You can send them to or tag me on Instagram @ninamarieblogs.